Virtual Centering Prayer Opportunities

Visit the Prayer Groups page for days and times that groups are meeting, as well as contact information. Please get in touch  with the contact for the Zoom link to their scheduled Centering Prayer sessions.

Calendar of Chapter Events

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Saturday, January 28, 2017, 09:30am - 12:30pm
Hits : 1799

SoulCollage, a fun, easy, and creative way to express your inner world. Using intuition, imagination, and your willingness to explore, you will create a deck of personal wisdom cards. SoulCollage is a beautiful spiritual practice to add to your contemplative toolbox!

Facilitated by Deb Richards.

Time: 9:00 sign in and refreshments, workshop 9:30 to 12:30

Please register for this event. Participation is limited to 30 people.

Location 18
Registrations are now closed