Virtual Centering Prayer Opportunities

Visit the Prayer Groups page for days and times that groups are meeting, as well as contact information. Please get in touch  with the contact for the Zoom link to their scheduled Centering Prayer sessions.

Calendar of Chapter Events

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Here I Am Lord
Saturday, December 03, 2022, 09:00am - 12:00pm
Hits : 283

Advent Silent Saturday Retreat

Contemplative Outreach of Central Iowa invites you to set aside 3 hours on the first Saturday of Advent to explore quiet reflection and Centering Prayer. The focus will be on allowing time to deepen our awareness to God’s presence and participation in our advent experiences as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus and the gift of divine incarnation. Each participant will receive a reflection booklet and time to reflect in silence as well as opportunities to join in Centering Prayer with the group.

Please register below. $15 donation accepted at the event.

Registrations are now closed