Virtual Centering Prayer Opportunities

Visit the Prayer Groups page for days and times that groups are meeting, as well as contact information. Please get in touch  with the contact for the Zoom link to their scheduled Centering Prayer sessions.

Calendar of Chapter Events

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Twenty Years of Consent
Saturday, March 22, 2025, 09:00am - 03:00pm
Hits : 94

Come spend the day relishing the gifts of our contemplative community gathering with those who have lead us over the years, and envisioning a future animated by a shared love of Centering Prayer featuring a panel discussion with all the Coordinators of COCI, and time of visioning with Stephanie Haskins. 

We will sit in centering prayer and walk gently in contemplation.

Day of Celebration
8:30 Registration
9:00 Gather and Welcome
10:00 Panel
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Visioning
1:30 Keating Video
2:00 Centering Prayer
3:00 Depart

An Evening of Taizè
5:00 Musicians Gather
6:30 Taizè Worship

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